Reduce your financial stress – Partner with a Columbus Bankruptcy Attorney
The majority of Americans are feeling the financial stress of our struggling economy. Even if you’ve gone years without experiencing a late payment, or have near perfect credit scores, you may be having financial difficulties that lead to thoughts of bankruptcy. The Law Office of M. Sean Cydrus, LLC realizes how overwhelming this can be, and provides a Columbus Bankruptcy Attorney dedicated to helping clients understand their financial options.
We realize this unexpected burden is often a result of circumstances that were beyond your control. Maybe you were unexpectedly laid off, had a larger than expected medical bill, you became upside down on your mortgage payments, are recently divorced- or maybe it is a combination of several factors that has led you to consider bankruptcy as a means of relief.
Whatever the reasoning, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have gone through the bankruptcy process and have come out better on the other side. Isn’t the idea of starting fresh tempting? You can have a clean financial slate, and we can help.
A personal touch for your personal bankruptcy
Now is the time to get your questions answered and the support you need to free yourself from financial worry and begin building your financial future. Save yourself from extra gray hair and wrinkles by learning how a qualified, experienced Columbus Bankruptcy Attorney can help you. You can educate yourself about personal bankruptcy in a free, comfortable, no-stress consultation, with complimentary beverages.

Considering Columbus Bankruptcy Attorneys?
M. Sean Cydrus stands out among Columbus Bankruptcy Attorneys for his personal approach to solving your financial challenges. We can meet with you at our conveniently located offices in Columbus and Chillicothe. We pride ourselves on the ability to provide our legal expertise with compassion and understanding. Call today to see how a Columbus Bankruptcy Attorney can help you!
“Your help has been so appreciated words can't describe how much. I truly didn't anticipate all this. Thanking GOD for you guys daily”
— DP from Columbus

Don’t Overpay
Our chapter 7 fees start as low as $500. Clients often say that we are the most reasonably priced after comparing prices with other attorneys.
Experience counts
We have been in the business for 18 years.